How to Grow Lashes in a Special Way

1. Use petroleum jelly
Mineral fat products such as petroleum jelly form a protective film that helps lock in the natural moisture of your lashes and eyebrows. Dab a little Vaseline on the base of your lashes before going to bed.
- Rinse your lashes with warm water the next morning. Vaseline can also be smeared on the eyebrows. Use a cotton swab or a clean mascara brush to apply Vaseline.
- Apply Vaseline to your lashes every night before bed and your lashes should become longer and thicker in a few weeks.
- Some holistic therapists do not endorse the use of petroleum jelly, but the petroleum jelly available in stores is approved by the Ministry of Health and is classified as "safe". What you should be careful of is the unregulated petroleum jelly sold online, which can be hazardous to your health. If you choose to use petroleum jelly, it is best to buy only reputable brands from reliable retailers
2. Apply olive oil or coconut oil to your eyelashes
Both of these oils are known to enhance and promote eyelash growth. The two oils can be mixed and used together.
- Pour a few drops of the oil onto a cotton swab and dab it on your eyelashes. Wait 5-8 minutes, then rinse off.
- Do this once a day for 1-2 weeks and you should see results soon. You can also apply olive oil or coconut oil to your eyelids and the skin under your eyes every night before you go to bed to get visible results. Use a cotton swab to apply these oils.
3. Use eggs on your eyelashes
Applying raw eggs to your eyelashes may sound gross, but eggs can make your eyelashes long and healthy.
- Eggs are high in protein, which can make your lashes longer and thicker. In addition, eggs also contain biotin and other B vitamins, which are essential for improving the overall texture of your lashes.
- Beat 1 egg and mix it with 1 tablespoon of glycerin until it becomes thick. Apply it to the lashes with a cotton swab and let it sit for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cold water afterwards. Repeat 3 times a week for several months. You can buy glycerin at your local pharmacy, drugstore or grocery store.
4. Apply castor oil to your eyelashes
Before going to bed, use a clean brush or cotton swab to rub castor oil onto your eyelashes. You can also add a few drops of vitamin E oil to the castor oil.
- Let it sit overnight and rinse off with slightly warm water the next morning. You can also mix 2 tablespoons of castor oil with 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel and apply it to your lashes.
- Use a cotton swab to dab the castor oil onto your lashes. Let it sit overnight and rinse off only the next morning. You can also add a few drops of oil to the mascara.
5. Use lemon peel to increase the volume of your lashes
Lemon peel is rich in vitamins C, B, folic acid and other nutrients that help promote eyelash growth.
- Adding olive or castor oil also enhances the cleansing and growth-promoting effects. Place 1 tablespoon of moderately air-dried lemon peel in a container.
- Pour enough olive or castor oil into the container to thoroughly submerge the lemon peel. Allow to sit for 2 weeks. Before going to bed, use a clean mascara brush to apply the oil to your lashes. Leave it on overnight and rinse off with warm water the next morning. Keep doing this for a few months to get encouraging results.