Eyalash Extensions Smart Kit

For different stages, you may need different things for eyelash extensions. If you have no idea what kind of kit you should use, just keep reading.
First stage
If you are ready to the world of eyelash extensions but don't know which step you should do first, then you mustn't miss this kit. It's friendly for green hand and will enhance your skills. Fadlash upgrades a teaching kit especially for those who need to improve their skills, practice makes perfect at all.
This kit includes:
Lash mannequin × 1
Gel eye pad × 10
Disposable eye paper pad × 1 pair
Teaching lash × 5 pairs
Disposable glue rings × 10
Lash Brush × 10
Micro Brush × 10
Roll Tape × 1
Classic eyelash extensions × 1
Glue × 1
Tweezer × 1
Second Stage
Congratulations if you already familiar and skillful with eyelash extensions, at this level, you don't have to use the mannequin at all. Just try on your client confidently. This kit, fadlash offers a clean and simple set for you. All are basic tools but very handy.
This kit includes:
- Big Pink Fashion Tool Bag × 1
- Classic Eyelash Extensions × 2
- Rapid Eyelash Extensions × 2
- Premade Eyelash Extensions × 2
- Cashmere Eyelash Extensions × 2
- Flat Eyelash Extensions × 2
- Colorful Eyelash Extensions × 2
- Glue Rings × 100pcs
- 9pcs Tweezers × 1
- Cleansing Brush × 100pcs
- Tool Case × 1
- Air Blower × 3
- Mascara Brush × 100pcs
- Eye Patch × 100pcs
Travel Kit
This kit designed for those who often have business travel. All the things are small but almost covered everything you need for eyelash extensions. Small and fully equipped. Easy to carry.
This kit includes:
Mini Comestic bag × 1
Mini lash × 1
Mini glue × 1
Mini brush × 1
Mini tape × 1
Mini tweezer × 1
Come and discover your cute kit in fadlash!